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Exploration of linear algebra teaching reform based on the training goal of high-end composite talents

Published on Nov. 28, 2023Total Views: 1963 times Total Downloads: 728 times Download Mobile

Author: Dong-Guo LI Lei GAO Wen-Xin ZHENG Lin LI

Affiliation: School of Biomedical Engineering, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China

Keywords: Linear algebra Teaching reform Teaching model

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202308075

Reference: Li DG, Gao L, Zheng WX, Li L. Exploration of linear algebra teaching reform based on the training goal of high-end composite talents[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2023, 36(11): 874-880. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202308075[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore the teaching content and reform teaching methods of linear algebra courses to meet the requirements of the training objectives of the high-end compound talents in clinical medicine in Capital Medical University for basic courses in mathematics and physics.

Methods  Based on the requirements of cultivating abstract thinking and logical reasoning abilities in line with the positioning of “having the consciousness to contribute to the generation of new knowledge and the discovery of new skills”,  a 48-hour linear algebra course in the first semester of the undergraduate program was set up, and research on the course teaching model with linear space as the main thread to set the teaching content was carried out.

Results  The teaching content was divided into three levels: teaching content that includes key and difficult points, student self-learning content that includes general knowledge points and computational skills, and extracurricular exploration and extension content. The classroom teaching was integrated with comprehensive discussions and Q&A interactions throughout the entire post class period, which has become a new model of linear algebra teaching.

Conclusion  The reform of linear algebra teaching  based on the training goal of high-end composite talents can provide reference for the construction of talent training system that meets the training objectives and needs, and lay a foundation for the promotion of the next teaching model.

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