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Current status of the treatment for diabetic neurogenic bladder

Published on Mar. 27, 2024Total Views: 1923 times Total Downloads: 1799 times Download Mobile

Author: LI Shenglong 1 GONG Meisheng 2 LU Ganggang 1 ZHAO Yuanbo 1 ZHAO Yongqiang 3 JIA Yunpeng 3 LIANG Yonglin 4

Affiliation: 1. School of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China 2. Graduate School, Heilongjiang Academy of Chinese Medicine, Harbin 150006, China 3. Department of Urology, Gansu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730050, China 4. School of Basic Medicine, Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000, China

Keywords: Diabetic neuropathic bladder Pathogenesis Treatment Review

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202312112

Reference: Li SL, Gong MS, Lu GG, Zhao YB, Zhao YQ, Jia YP, Liang YL. Current status of the treatment for diabetic neurogenic bladder[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2024, 37(3): 211-216. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202312112[Article in Chinese]

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Diabetic neurogenic bladder (DNB) is a collective term for a series of lower urinary tract symptoms and complications caused by dysfunction of the bladder and urethra in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), due to autonomic neuropathy, especially parasympathetic nerve dysfunction. It is characterized by a high incidence, insidious onset, and complex pathogenesis. There are numerous clinical treatment methods, but most of them have unsatisfactory efficacy, more adverse reactions, and high treatment costs, which severely impact the patients' quality of life. This article summarizes the pathogenesis, drug treatment, non- surgical treatment, and surgical treatment, and proposes the shortcomings of current treatments and future research directions, aiming to provide a reference for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of DNB.

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