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Practical exploration of integrating curriculum ideological and political cases into “Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine”

Published on Sep. 30, 2024Total Views: 123 times Total Downloads: 31 times Download Mobile

Author: XIE Qian LI Haiyan SHAO Jizheng MA Rong LI Yanping LIU Zheng DENG Tao GUO Jialiang ZENG Xuxin

Affiliation: School of Medicine, Foshan University, Foshan 528000, Guangdong Province, China

Keywords: Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine Curriculum ideology and politics Teaching Cases Practice

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202406079

Reference: Xie Q, Li HY, Shao JZ, Ma R, Li YP, Liu Z, Deng T, Guo JL, Zeng XX. Practical exploration of integrating curriculum ideological and political cases into “Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine”[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2024, 37(9): 716-721. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202406079[Article in Chinese]

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Curriculum ideological and political education is an exploration of the spirit of the General Secretary Xi's instructions in universities, and it is also an important measure for the ideological and political education reform in universities. Carrying out curriculum ideological and political education in the basic courses of traditional Chinese medicine, integrating cases related to the courses such as medical development history, scientific exploration spirit, and medical humanistic spirit, are of great significance for cultivating versatile pharmaceutical talents with traditional Chinese medicine specialties, sense of responsibility, mission, and innovation spirit. Taking the course of "Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine" in School of Medicine at Foshan University as an example, based on the school situation and learning situation, this paper explores and reflects on the implementation paths and methods of integrating ideological and political education into teaching, in order to strengthen the ideological and political education of students and cultivate students' correct philosophy, world view and values.

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