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Programmatic evaluation of measurement uncertainty using IQC and PT data in medical laboratory

Published on Jun. 05, 2023Total Views: 3104 times Total Downloads: 864 times Download Mobile

Author: Hai-Feng DING 1, 2 Qi ZHANG 1 Peng-Fei WEI 3 Jian-Tao ZHOU 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. Wuhan Chain Medical Laboratories, Wuhan 430010, China, 2. Department of Medical Laboratory, School of Medicine, Huanggang Polytechnic College, Huanggang 438021, Hubei Province, China, 3. Zhengzhou Qianmai Beikang Medical Laboratory, Zhengzhou 450066, China

Keywords: Measurement uncertainty Medical laboratories Excel software Internal quality control Proficiency testing

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202303086

Reference: Ding HF, Zhang Q, We PF, Zhou JT. Programmatic evaluation of measurement uncertainty using IQC and PT data in medical laboratory[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2023, 36(5): 346-351. DOI:10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202303086[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To establish a procedural evaluation method of measurement uncertainty on Excel software, and to promote the popularization and application of measurement uncertainty in medical la-boratories.

Methods  According to the “top-down” approach, using internal quality control (IQC) data and pro-ficiency testing (PT) evaluation data, the measurement uncertainty introduced by the basis of the with-in-laboratory reproducibility and the uncertainty of laboratory bias was calculated respectively on the Excel software, then synthesized into the standard measurement uncertainty to evaluate whether the laboratory measurement values meet the application requirements.

Results  Using IQC and PT data, the laboratory quick-ly assessed the measurement uncertainty of quantitative test items, which met the requirements of ISO15189 accreditation standards.

Conclusion  It is feasible to select the “top-down” approach to evaluate and analyze the measurement uncertainty in the measurement stage using laboratory IQC and PT data, and the results can be calculated conveniently on Excel software, which is suitable for the universal application of measurement un-certainty in medical laboratory.

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