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Exploration and practice of curriculum ideology and politics in respiratory medicine under digital background

Published on Sep. 04, 2024Total Views: 2557 times Total Downloads: 470 times Download Mobile

Author: LI Meiling 1 CHEN Suyu 2 ZHANG Ya 3 WANG Bingchen 1 ZHAO Yujuan 1

Affiliation: 1. Teaching and Research Office of Internal Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine, Heze Medical College, Heze 274000, Shandong Province, China 2. Teaching and Research Office of Surgery, Department of Clinical Medicine, Heze Medical College, Heze 274000, Shandong Province, China 3. Deparment of Oncology, Liaocheng Infectious Disease Hospital, Liaocheng 252000, Shandong Province, China

Keywords: Digitization Respiratory medicine Curriculum ideology and politics Medical education Theoretical research

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202405046

Reference: Li ML, Chen SY, Zhang Y, Wang BC, Zhao YJ. Exploration and practice of curriculum ideology and politics in respiratory medicine under digital background[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2024, 37(8): 636-641. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202405046[Article in Chinese]

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The rise of digitization brings a new perspective and development opportunities for medical education. The deep integration of information technology in the field of education can not only provide medical students with more diversified and personalized learning resources and environment, but also inject new vitality into ideological and political education. How to organically integrate it with ideological and political education concepts is the key to promote the continuous improvement of the quality and level of medical talent training. Taking the courese of respiratory medicine as an example, this paper analyzes the necessity of the digitization in medical education and the current situation of digitization of curriculum ideology and politics, and discusses the specific paths of integrating digital technology into ideological and political education of respiratory medicine from the aspects of exploring ideological and political elements, reforming teaching strategies, and evaluation of curriculum ideology and politics, which aims to provide practical ideas and methods for the organic integration of digital technology into curriculum ideology and politics in clinical medicine, and help the digital innovation of curriculum ideology and politics in medical education.

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