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Application of team-based learning in the experimental teaching of neurobehavioral assessment

Published on Oct. 07, 2023Total Views: 2364 times Total Downloads: 577 times Download Mobile

Author: Wen-Juan ZHANG Peng GAO Qin-Long MA Zheng-Ping YU Min-Di HE

Affiliation: Department of Military Occupational Health, Faculty of Military Preventive Medicine, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China

Keywords: Team-based learning Neurobehavioral assessment Experimental teaching

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202305009

Reference: Zhang WJ, Gao P, Ma QL, Yu ZP, He MD. Application of team-based learning in the experimental teaching of neurobehavioral assessment[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2023, 36(9): 715-720. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202305009[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore the application effect of team-based learning (TBL) in the experimental teaching of neurobehavioral assessment in view of the existing problems of the traditional confirmatory experimental teaching mode.

Methods  The students from class 1 (n=107) and class 2 (n=125) of clinical medicine in five-year program in 2019 were selected as teaching objects, the traditional teaching method and TBL teaching method were used to carry out the experimental teaching respectively. The individual readiness assessment test questionnaire and self-made satisfaction questionnaire were used to investigate the mastery of students in each class to the experimental related theoretical knowledge and the satisfaction of teachers and students with TBL teaching method.

Results  TBL teaching group had a significantly higher individual readiness assessment test score than that of the traditional teaching group (P<0.001). Among the students in TBL, 91.2% said that it was interesting and they were willing to participate in TBL teaching; 79.2% thought that it achieved the teaching goal of applying theoretical knowledge to practice; 86.4% thought that team learning could improve their learning efficiency; 76.0% thought that it contributed to the formation of autonomous learning ability and crowd field work ability. All the teachers thought that the TBL teaching method could mobilize students’ learning enthusiasm, improve their independent learning ability, expression ability and teamwork ability, enrich the class content, increase the mastery degree of theoretical knowledge, and promote the formation of their crowd field work ability.

Conclusion  It is a successful exploration practice to apply TBL teaching method to the experimental teaching of neurobehavioral assessment.

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