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Correlation between TEG and the four indexes of coagulation in coagulation function after hip fracture surgery

Published on Jan. 28, 2023Total Views: 1731 times Total Downloads: 616 times Download Mobile

Author: Min CHEN 1 Zhi ZENG 2 Jian LIU 3 Hui-Can XIANG 1

Affiliation: 1. Department of Orthopedics, Longyan People's Hospital, Longyan 364000, Fujian Province, China 2. Department of Blood Transfusion, Longyan People's Hospital, Longyan 364000, Fujian Province, China 3. Department of Radiation Medicine, Longyan People's Hospital, Longyan 364000, Fujian Province, China

Keywords: Internal fixation of hip fracture Artificial joint replacement Thromboelastogram Coagulation four

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202212020

Reference: Chen M, Zeng Z, Liu J, Xiang HC. Correlation between TEG and the four indexes of coagulation in coagulation function after hip fracture surgery[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2023, 36(1): 16-23. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202212020.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective To investigate the correlation between TEG and four parameters of coagulation in patients with hip fracture.

Method  60 patients who received artificial hip replacement in our hospital from July 2019 to June 2022 were selected as the research objects. Perioperative observation was carried out on the patients, and the test results of TEG, coagulation and platelet (PLT) were recorded. The main parameters of TEG, coagulation factor activation time (R), clot formation rate parameter (K), elastic graph maximum Angle (Angle), elastic graph maximum amplitude (MA), prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thrombin time (APTT), and fibrinogen (FIB), were analyzed. The diagnostic value of TEG for coagulation function after hip arthroplasty was analyzed by drawing ROC curve.

Result  There is no correlation between R value in TEG and PT value (r=0.014, P=0.488), and there is no correlation between R value in TEG and APTT (r=-0.014, P=0.467). There is a significant negative correlation between K and FIB (r=-0.288, P<0.001), a significant positive correlation between Angle and FIB (r=0.273, P<0.001), and a significant positive correlation between MA and FIB (r=0.415, P<0.001). There is a significant negative correlation between K and PLT (r=-0.164, P=0.010), a significant positive correlation between Angle and PLT (r=0.190, P=0.005), and a significant positive correlation between MA and PLT (r=0.237, P=0.002). The differential AUC of R, K, Angle and MA values for hypercoagulability is 0.556 (P=0.624), 0.923 (P<0.001), 0.885 (P<0.001) and 0.923 (P<0.001). The differential AUC of R, K, Angle and MA values for low coagulation is 0.631 (P=0.361), 0.831 (P=0.021), 0.808 (P=0.032) and 0.765 (P=0.064).

Conclusion  There is a certain correlation between perioperative TEG and the four indexes of coagulation in patients undergoing artificial hip replacement. The values of K, Angle and MA in TEG have high diagnostic value for patients' coagulation status. Therefore, TEG and the four indexes of coagulation can be considered to be applied in the perioperative coagulation status evaluation of patients undergoing artificial hip replacement to provide reference for thrombosis detection and risk assessment of patients.

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