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Application value of valsartan combined with Bailing capsule in the treatment of proteinuria patients with chronic nephritis

Published on Apr. 07, 2023Total Views: 1680 times Total Downloads: 617 times Download Mobile

Author: Xiao-Cao LYU Gai LYU Ti CAO Bing LU

Affiliation: Department of Nephrology, Nanyang Central Hospital, Nanyang 473000, Henan Province, China

Keywords: Chronic nephritis Valsartan Bailing capsule Proteinuria Renal function Adverse reactions

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202303114

Reference: Lyu XC, Lyu G, Cao T, Lu B. Application value of valsartan combined with Bailing capsule in the treatment of proteinuria patients with chronic nephritis[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2023, 36(3): 208-214. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-4337.202303114[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To analyze the application value of valsartan combined with bailing capsule in the treatment of proteinuria patients with chronic nephritis.

Methods  86 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis proteinuria admitted to Nanyang Central Hospital from February 2021 to February 2022 were randomly divided into observation group (n=43) and control group (n=43). The control group was treated with valsartan, the observation group was treated with valsartan+Bailing capsule, and the clinical efficacy, changes in 24-hour proteinuria quantitative level, renal function, serum indicators and adverse reaction rate of the two groups were compared.

Results  There was a statistically significant difference in the clinical efficacy between observation group and control group (95.35% vs. 81.40%, P=0.044). Two months after treatment, the level of average 24-hour proteinuria quantitative, BUN, SCr and CCr in the observation group were lower than those in the control group. IgA, IgM, IgG in the observation group were statistically higher than those in the control group. After treatment, the vital signs of patients in both groups were stable, and there were no significant allergic reactions and other adverse reactions.

Conclusion  The treatment of valsartan combined with Bailing capsule for proteinuria in patients with chronic nephritis probably has a positive effect on improving the renal function and regulating the serum immune system.

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