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Clinical efficacy evaluation of troxerutin combined with butylphthalide in the treatment of cerebral infarction

Published on Jun. 05, 2023Total Views: 2571 times Total Downloads: 954 times Download Mobile

Author: Guan-Xiong LIU Feng-Jun ZHU Ming-Chao XU Shu-Ling FAN Xin JIN Dong-Pei JIA

Affiliation: Department of Neurology (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine), Nanyang Central Hospital, Nanyang 473000, Henan Province, China

Keywords: Troxerutin Butylphthalide Cerebral infarction Nerve function Coagulation function Vascular endothelial function

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202303178

Reference: Liu GX, Zhu FJ, Xu MC, Fan SL, Jin X, Jia DP. Clinical efficacy evaluation of troxerutin combined with butylphthalide in the treatment of cerebral infarction[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2023, 36(5): 370-376. DOI:10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202303178[Article in Chinese]

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Objective To investigate the clinical treatment effect of troxerutin combined with butylphthalide in the treatment of patients with cerebral infarction.

Methods  98 patients with cerebral infarction admitted to Nanyang Central Hospital from February 2020 to April 2022 were selected, and were divided into observation group (n=51) and control group (n=47) according to the treatment methods. The control group was treated with butylphthalide, and the observation group was treated with troxerutin on the basis of control group. The differences in efficacy, incidence of adverse effects, neurological function, ability to perform daily living, coagulation function (D-dimer, D-D), prothrombin time (PT), fibrinogen (FIB), nitric oxide (NO), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and vascular pseudohemophilic factor (vWF) levels before and after treatment in the two groups were compared.

Results  The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (98.04% vs. 76.60%, P<0.05). In terms of neurological function, after treatment, the NIHSS score of the two groups decreased, the observation group was lower than the control group(7.38±2.33 vs. 12.78±2.75, P<0.001), the BI score of the two groups increased, and the study group was higher than the control group (58.01±10.72 vs. 46.45±8.35, P<0.001). In terms of coagulation function, the levels of D-D, PT, FIB, NO, ET-1 and vWF in the two groups were improved after treatment, and the levels in the observation group were better than those in the control group (P<0.05).

Conclusion  The combination of troxerutin and butylphthalide may help regulate the levels of NO, ET-1 and vWF in patients with cerebral infarction, improve neurological function, daily living ability and coagulation function, and has certain reference value for the treatment of cerebral infarction.

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